Handy links for researchers
There’s a lot of great material out there for your research. Whether you are a seasoned online pro, or just starting to poke around, give these links a try as you research your topic.
Be creative in your approach, too. How about looking in trade journals for information on canceling machines, for instance? Or old newspapers to read about the arrival of a new postmaster? Have fun with your research, and good luck!
Out-of-copyright print materials
Many books, magazines, photographs, and recordings that are out of copyright can be found online. This includes U.S. Post Office Department materials, railroad schedules, old stamp catalogs, etc. The best places to search for such books are:
- Archive.org (be sure not to use the search bar for the “Wayback Machine;” that is something different)
- HathiTrust
- Library of Congress Digital Collections
- Project Gutenburg
- GoogleBooks
United States Post Office Department and Postal Service sources and history
- History of the postal service in the United States
- U.S. Postal Bulletins and Postal Laws and Regulations
- Postal documents at the National Archives and Records Administration
- Postmaster finder
- Post Office Reports of Site Locations
- Smithsonian National Postal Museum Collections