Stamp Discovery
Education and Outreach
Annual Letter to Teachers and Parents (pdf)
Letter to Home School Educators (pdf)
Colorful windows to a great, big world
Stamps provide little colorful windows to a wider world, allowing students to have a hands-on learning experience while completing the required school curriculum. Whether students are studying the Preamble to the U.S. Constitution, math, art, the alphabet, and national symbols and monuments, students can learn with stamps. The possibilities are endless! Students enjoy learning with stamps, and beautiful stamps are packed with information!
Versatile teaching tools
Postage stamps are an extremely versatile teaching tool, applicable for use in social studies, language arts, science—all subject areas. Not only do stamps depict specific historical figures, such as scientists, authors, activists, and statespeople, but also concepts, such as freedom, peace, exploration, and community. It’s fun to learn with stamps.
Engaging teaching tools
Using postage stamps in lessons and activities is not only a creative and engaging way for students to explore ideas and meet grade-level standards, it’s also an efficient way to differentiate for visual and tactile learners. Seeing a concept visually, or holding it in hand, makes a lasting impression on a student as they learn with stamps..
Our services

The Stamp Discovery Education Program at the Postal History Foundation is directed by Lisa Dembowski with assistance from Kat Wahl. Stamp Discovery supports kids, parents, and teachers through several free or nominally-priced services and resources. Choose an image above to discover all the services the education program provides! Find out how students can learn with stamps. Contact Lisa Dembowski here.